The 5 Qualities Of The Best Home Theatre
Your living room or family room serves as the heart of your home. It’s where you gather with family and friends to celebrate special occasions, watch movies and sports, and spend time after long days at work or school. It deserves to be decorated with the best furniture available, including the best home theatre system you can afford. But how do I find the best home theatre?
Here are five qualities that make a home theatre system truly one of the best.
Room size
The first quality that you want to look for in a home theatre system matches your room size. There’s no sense in buying an awesome system if it doesn’t fit in your room!
Make sure you check out measurements before you buy, and don’t be afraid to get advice from professionals. It may seem counterintuitive, but sometimes having a smaller home theatre can make it easier to focus on what’s happening on screen.
If you have a huge home theatre, chances are there will be more distractions around and even just sitting in a big chair can distract some people.
If you have a small space, however, you’ll find yourself focusing more on what’s happening on screen. This isn’t always true, though; you may want to go with a bigger home theatre if everyone in your family loves movies.
In any case, try to match up how much space you have with how much sound/video equipment you need so that things don’t get too crowded or complicated.
A/V Equipment
A/V equipment is generally what most people think about when they talk about home theatre, so it’s worth mentioning here. You don’t have to go all out and purchase a first-run-cinemas type setup to be completely satisfied with your home theatre. However, if you want to get an idea of what kind of quality you can expect from various types of A/V equipment, check out CNET’s reviews for some help. This site will also give an idea of how much each item costs and how easy it is to set up.
The more expensive items will require professional installation, but that’s something you should factor into your budget anyway. As far as other equipment goes, you might consider buying a soundbar or speaker system to complement your TV; these are relatively inexpensive and can make a big difference in sound quality.
And while we’re on the subject of sound... you’ll probably want to invest in a surround sound receiver. These receivers connect directly to your TV and control its audio functions, allowing you to easily switch between speakers (if you choose) and adjust volume levels.
One note: many surround sound receivers come with wireless rear speakers that plug directly into them; however, if yours doesn’t come with any wireless components (or only comes with wired ones), make sure you buy one separately wireless speakers tend to be easier to use than wired ones.
Also, keep in mind that there are two different kinds of surround sound systems: Dolby Digital and DTS. Both offer great sound quality, but DTS offers a bit more flexibility since it allows you to mix and match different brands of speakers. With Dolby Digital, you’re limited to using whatever brand was used during production. If you decide to take advantage of either option, just make sure your receiver supports both systems before purchasing anything else.
Last but not least, you’ll need a high-definition television to enjoy everything your new system has to offer. Be sure to do plenty of research before deciding because HDTVs vary widely in price, size, resolution and even style. Once you figure out which model works best for you, though, all that’s left is finding room for it!
Be sure to choose furniture and accessories that can be moved around easily. You want your system to sound great regardless of where you decide to put it. This may mean investing in a ceiling-mounted or in-wall speaker, a subwoofer with wires long enough to route through a wall, and all-in-one surround speakers for quick installation.
It’s also important to consider how much space you have for each component; if you don’t have room for a large receiver, then look into small receivers or integrated amplifiers.
Finally, make sure everything is compatible- look at dimensions, power requirements, and inputs/outputs. It doesn’t matter how good your equipment sounds if it doesn’t fit together!
Sensory Experience
A Home theatre is more than just a screen, and it’s certainly more than a TV. A home theatre goes beyond just putting up speakers and a projector; it’s an immersive, sensory experience that will bring friends and family together.
While many home theatres are designed to bring video, audio, and even touch into your living room in one space, many forget that scent is an incredibly powerful trigger for memories – oftentimes more powerful than sight or sound!
So while you’re designing your home theatre, don’t forget about scents like vanilla or chocolate that can make your home cinema smell as good as it looks.
The best way to get an even stronger scent is by using candles and aroma diffusers together. You'll have to use a candle for at least 20 minutes before lighting up your projector, then you can use your diffuser for another 30 minutes or so after that. This will give you plenty of time to fill your room with an incredible smell that will make your home theatre feel like a luxury cinema.
Surround Sound/ Speakers
Surround sound is a more immersive experience than simple stereo. It makes you feel like you’re part of whatever you’re watching or listening to. That extra level of immersion comes at a cost: wiring, amplifiers, subwoofers, etc. And not everyone has space for five speakers and a 100-watt amp. But if you have any interest in home theatre at all - not just as an investment but as something to enjoy now - you’ll want surround sound.
You might also consider getting a receiver with HDMI switching, which will let you connect your video game console and Blu-ray player (and other devices) through one cable. This can reduce clutter while increasing audio/video quality by bypassing your TV’s internal circuitry. Most importantly, make sure your setup matches your room. If you’ve got plenty of room and plan on building a multi-speaker system around it, you may be able to get away with purchasing individual components over time; however, most people are better off going with an all-in-one solution from their preferred brand.
The idea here is to create maximum enjoyment within budget constraints - after all, no one wants to waste money on equipment they don’t need!
Home theatre can be expensive, but worthwhile, add to your home if you have the space and the budget for it. Finding the best home theatre will be easy if you know what qualities to look for. Not all of the products in the market are worth your time and money, so it’s important to keep in mind these 5 qualities before deciding which product or service to choose. You’ll find that once you’ve purchased your home theatre, you’ll be even more likely to relax at home, knowing that you got exactly what you wanted with your home entertainment system.
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